Monday, July 14, 2008

The Past and The Present...Intertwined?

I just think this picture is beautiful....sometimes i wish i could live part of my life in black and white.

It's been a whirlwind of a last week! Started teaching at summer school, crazy but i'm enjoying it! I have my regular kids i'm helping with packets and the rest of the time i get to relax at my nice air conditioned desk and kick back. If i hadn't gone to college i would MOST DEFINITELY have been an administrative assistant. I love organizing a desk, taking phone calls, dealing with people coming in, crowd control, writing memos...yeah i know i'm a nerd but i love that stuff. ( I also spend about 2 hours when i take trips to Office Max and Staples, i have an obsession with office supplies). Moral of that last thought, i'm enjoying my desk work immensely. I will be VERY glad to get back to my substitute teaching salary but for now, life is good!
Last week i got back in touch with an old flame...and it's really thrown me for a loop. We are just corresponding now through email and talking over the phone, but he has made comments about rekindling our relationship, and how it's something he has thought about for a LONG time and finally decided to act on it. It's really made me think...when you have a relationship with someone, it never really leaves your life. Yes for awhile it's temporarily absent, but at that moment when that person comes racing back INTO your life, it's as if nothing has changed. I feel like there hasn't been 8 years between the last time i saw him (even though there has), and it's such a weird feeling. I'm trying to stay grounded, but this guy is the guy who is a whirlwind of fun, vivacious life and exciting energy. His spontaneity is contagious and also can be overwhelming and dangerous. He's a live on the edge man ( unfortunately the kind i like). I'm trying not to over analyze ( one of my MAIN undesirable characteristics) and to just have fun, but it's tough. So for now, things remain neutral, we shall see how long that lasts.
I'm praying for wisdom. And that my overanxious emotional heart stays grounded. (Not an easy feat) :)


Michelle said...

Hmmm... so my mind is trying to figure out who the mystery man is. Can't wait for the reveal. :)

Lindsay said...

Praying for you as God continues to show you His plan for your life!

job, men, friends, LOVE!

Sue said...

You've totally got me curious! Stay tuned with God and He'll definitely let you know if you should stay in or walk away.