Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Awkward blog

If you are not following my awkward blog yet my wonderful blogging must! It is hilarious and it is my new favorite thing...
Address is
It is will laugh so hard! Kristen this post is for will LOVE awkward blog!
Miss you all!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Summer is HERE! Living is easy:)
Going back and forth between Long Beach to visit the boy, Lincoln City to visit the fam and spending time in Portland with my wonderful job and friends!!!
Here are some pics:)
This is our Hip Chicks booth for the 4th of July festival in Eugene!

Me eating a vegan cheese steak sandwich at the 4th of July festival!! YUMM!!

My hot boyfriend in Long Beach with his bear shirt!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Back at the blogging world again:)

Hello all! I have taken a break from my blogging, but i'm entering into another new chapter in my life and wanted to take a second and write down my thoughts and news! I have moved once again!! Yes i am constantly on the move:) I still live in Southeast Portland but i moved into a darling 2 bedroom basement apartment and I'm LOVING my new space! Pictures to follow soon! Ethan has moved to Long Beach Washington in pursuit of a new career path! SO proud of him and excited, he is working at Beachdog ( it's a web/marketing communications company that services businesses along the Peninsula! He is SO much happier and loves his life at the coast! I am working at Hip Chicks still and absolutely loving my job! My bosses and co-workers are the best, i love the work i do and I'm so enjoying learning the wide world of wine! To love going to work everyday is a wonderful thing:) Ethan and i are still together and going strong! Very much in love and committed to each other:) If we can take two bouts of long distance relationship i think we can conquer ANYTHING! We both feel like we are where we are supposed to be and following our own dreams..we miss each other deeply but we know the distance is only temporary! The drive to Long Beach from Portland is only about 2.5 hours so definitely not bad. Ranger is thriving:) It's just back to the two of us on our own and we love it:) We are back to our old rhythm and routine. Loving our quiet, peaceful place:)
I'm in a season of change and i have fallen away from seeking the Lords face through this last step...He still is very much in control as my new apartment boasts:) He still has me in his hand, even when i feel like i've started to slip through...i'm going to be really seeking his face and his plans for MY future while i have this peaceful, quiet new space and time. I'm absolutely excited and thrilled with where my life is at currently! And can't wait to see where else it leads:) That is all for now dear goal is to blog at LEAST once a week if not more! Some posts will be silly, some stories, maybe recipes...a map of my life:) Blessings and love to all!!
:) Mollie