Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tuesday Pizza Day

I worked hard all day today cleaning and unpacking. I'm starving. And ants have invaded my house, no food I had in my pantry is safe. I just ordered pizza and breadsticks. I'm very excited. I don't let myself have pizza very often....But when i do......WHOA BABY! I'm going to go sit outside in the parking lot of Pizza Hut ( YES i ordered from the greasy hut) and salivate imagining how good it will taste while they bake it.
It's Tuesday. It's pizza day. Sometimes ya just gotta indulge.


Nicole said...

If you are going to have pizza it's gotta be Pizza Hut. in my book anyway.

Anonymous said...


Lindsay said...

You absolutely, positively crack me up... and make me smile! :)

Thanks for being YOU!

Tiffany said...

pizza sounds good.....