Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Procrastination, the enemy of EVERYONE!

I am positively the WORST procrastinator EVER! Seriously. I am always saying "i'll do it tomorrow" while it might temporarily feel better about have more time on your hands those 4 words have a way of making me feel horrible about not just doing it today! Why is it so hard sometimes to take a step in the direction you need to go? Whether it be a small household project or the future dreams you have for your future job/life? I read a blog by Nicole Williams ( a FABULOUS career expert and best selling author) about procrastination and i feel complelled to repost it up here! I think it's useful advice for everyone! By the way Nicole Williams website is http://www.nicolewilliams.com/ totally worth checking out!

"I'm hoping my publisher isn't reading this week but I totally get the procrastination problem—I have a book due at the end of the summer and as I start every month, week, day I think…tomorrow. What I need to tell you (and remind myself) is this: Procrastination is a bitch. It has this way of taunting you with hopes of what your life could look like if only you'd get your butt in gear. It sucks the life out of what's actually going well, sitting on the edge of what you have accomplished, reminding you of what you haven't. The irony of procrastination is that the anticipation—the pain of avoiding what we have to get done—is so much worse than the reality of jumping in. So what's our solution? As Nike so eloquently put it: "Just Do It." This week, let's collectively take one single step in the direction of our dreams and do the thing we've been putting off. Get out of your head and no more "tomorrows"—decide you're going to be a big girl and get started today."

...and that's what WORKS,


Anonymous said...

I actually think I might be the worst! :)

bapi said...

Really, I am positively the WORST procrastinator EVER! Seriously. I am always saying "i'll do it tomorrow" while it might temporarily feel better about have more time on your hands those 4 words have a way of making me feel horrible about not just doing it today!