Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sandwich Story

I thought i would post what my day has been like so far...humorous things like this keep happening to me, and i thought you, my blogging family, might gain a few laughs from it.
So we have a board meeting in the Chamber today..the whole chamber board ( around 10-13 people) come together for a meeting. They decided they wanted sandwiches at this meeting. So i was asked to go up to Safeway and get some subs and chips for the meeting. I called in the order and then was chastised for not calling earlier. But they said they would do it. So i show up to get it, and it's in the middle of Hermiston High School lunch rush..NOT FUN. I get the sandwich's and chips, balance them and get them to my car and get them to the conference center but i was a little late. So the meeting was just getting started. I walk in and realize the sandwich's ( 3 huge subs) are not cut. And Debbie my boss is like will you cut them for us. I felt like saying yes massah. So they all stare at me while I'm struggling to cut these huge subs ( mind you I'm cutting them with a HHS sports boosters STEAK knife from the steak feed we went to) that was the only knife provided for me. So I'm like sawing through these sandwiches trying to get them cut, pieces of the sandwich were flying around. I was so embarrassed and you know when you cut a sandwich badly like parts of it are all hanging out...when i got through it looked like a sandwich war had been fought and i wanted to yell sandwich down in a war voice. So i ran out of the room and I'm hiding in my office now. Sigh. The whole time i was cutting up their sandwiches they were all just staring at me. sigh.


Anonymous said...

Yes massah.....hilarious!

Lindsay said...

Hang in there girlfriend ... and I just have to say ... YOU CRACK ME UP! :)

Diane said...

oh you poor thing! You could totally play Anne Hatheway's part in "The devil wears prada."

Maybe one day YOU will be the big bad boss and ordering someone else around! :)

Nicole said...

So funny thanks for sharing your laughs with us.

kara said...

you make me smile!!!

Tiffany said...

I agree with Diane! You didnt tell me that story!
SO funny. They deserved a war torn sandwich for making you cut it!!!

Sue said...

You didn't say if you actually got any of the sandwich after all that. I was laughing out loud!! I can see the sandwich pieces flying! I wish you would have yelled "Sandwich DOWN!" That's the funniest ever!! Those meetings need some humor like that! Love you.