Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My own words

I LOVE fall time! One of my MOST favorite times next to Christmas! Here is Ranger amidst some of my fall decor!

I realize it has been awhile since i have posted something that contains my own words and not someone else's! So I'm going to write down what is currently on my mind.
Men....not like men are ALWAYS on my brain because they aren't.. I consider myself an independent, satisfied, well rounded woman who really is wonderfully contented with her life...but in the life of Mollie...men always seem to be lurking around the gray edges of my fabulously colored life!
I have four possibilities playing around the corners of my thoughts. And most likely i will have dates with three of them next week. Right now every situation is just solely enjoyment for me. Nothing is serious. Nothing is set in stone. I'm trying to enjoy each day for what it is!

Next thought, i'm really enjoying my time in Hermiston. I know a lot of you know my story, and my life here growing up. My last few years i was in Hermiston/Tri Cities were not the most pleasant, nor were they in any way healthy to me. I was really hesitate to come back to the area, because i had such a bad impression still on my spirit and heart because of what had happened to me here. But i really felt God was calling me home.....so i followed. The first 2-3 weeks i was here i cried a lot..my heart mourned my move from Monmouth. Monmouth was the place i truly found myself and my calling. God rescued me there. Redeemed me. And i went through the fires of purification through Him there. It was an incredible time for me, and it made me feel SO safe and wonderfully cared for. It was my comfort zone. So moving home was not my number one plan.
HOWEVER, God has blessed me SO much since i have been home! I'm loving my time spent in my childhood house. I get to be near some of my best friends on a daily basis (Tiffany and Jacob were one of the major plus points for moving back to the area!) I'm really starting to enjoy my jobs...and i know my time here is only temporary but God has brought a sense of renewal to my thoughts and feelings surrounding Hermiston! Once i leave here, whenever that may be, the darkness i equated Hermiston with is now a thing of the past. Only positive memories abound now...as it should be:)
I also have found a wonderful church! Since end of the summer i have been going to Victory Baptist (across from Goodwill) Trevor Waybright is the pastor there...and every week i hear his messages I'm blown away by the depth and passion he brings! I literally could sit and listen to him for hours! He and his wife Joy are absolutely wonderful and i adore the church! I finally found my place!
Anyway just some of my feelings! One other thing I'm thankful for....my wonderful blog community! You guys are so encouraging and your comments bless me so much! Thanks for all you do!!!



Diane said...

Im so happy for you.. You are such a strong, beautiful young woman! Just keep doing what you are doing!

Michelle said...

3 dates in one week?!?! Mollie C! You haven't changed since that day you sat on my couch on W. Ridgeway! ;) (just kidding ya!)

I am really happy for you- life seems to be very full and bubbling over!

Shannon said...

You go girl! Here's to a great week! I really enjoyed reading your heart here.

Also, thanks for the sweet post on my blog a couple of days ago!

Tiffany said...

All I have to say is...

ax the other two dates.



Anonymous said...

Molly you are so great!!! I miss you!