Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fall time fun!!!

OOOOOHHHHHH do i LOVE fall time! WHOO HOO!!!
Tiff put these pictures up on her page but i just loved them! So i had to take them to put on mine as well!!
We carved pumpkins Monday night and laughed SO much, listened to Raze and Souljahz (for those who know the old school christian hip hop) and loved life!
Tiff's fabulous pumpkin!

My fabulous political pumpkin!We had so much fun!!!! Mom and i also got a fantastic lawn sigh (below) from the Republican headquarters in Hermiston! It is so huge and wonderful! Someone else had reserved it so we only have it until Sunday, but we are loving it!! McCain/Palin '08! Swing by our house and see it, you can probably see it from highland!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Obama's Personality Pendulum

Obama's Personality Pendulum

Obama will not lose his bid for the presidency because of his connections to Ayers, ACORN or socialist politics. In fact, he won't lose it because of his stand on any issue. The coup de grace for Obama's presidential election downfall will come only through convincing the American public of his lack of decisive leadership under pressure. I'm not just talking about facing rogue nations or terrorist thugs. I'm referring to making major choices in conflict. Indecisiveness is his greatest weakness, and it's one this country cannot afford at this time in its history.

Interestingly, a while back, the Unit for the Study of Personality in Politics, at St. John's University and the College of St. Benedict, did a professional personality profile "for anticipating Obama's likely leadership style as chief executive, thereby providing a basis for inferring the character and tenor of a prospective Obama presidency." The study concluded:

"The combination of Ambitious, Accommodating, and Outgoing patterns in Obama's profile suggests a confident conciliator personality composite. Leaders with this personality prototype, though self-assured and ambitious, are characteristically gracious, considerate, and benevolent. They are energetic, charming, and agreeable, with a special knack for settling differences, favoring mediation and compromise over force or coercion as a strategy for resolving conflict. They are driven primarily by a need for achievement and also have strong affiliation needs, but a low need for power."

While most might laud Obama's personality as a needed polar opposite to George W. Bush's, I pose to you that Obama's "accommodating-conciliator-favoring-compromise" personality pendulum swing is way too far to the other side. Even Obama's voting record proves that. His own Democratic colleagues have a difficult time understanding why, when he was an Illinois state senator, he voted "present" (instead of "yes" or "no") 129 times, including a number of noncommittal tallies on issues such as gun rights and abortion.

You also have heard that Obama doesn't have any executive experience, whether it be running a government or a business. I would pose to you the reason is simply that he's not comfortable making executive decisions. An "executive conciliator" overly depends upon others, at times compromising judgment and needed action in order to appease the masses. Proof of that was seen in how Obama handled his and our "emergency" economic decisions.

A few months ago, Obama did not turn to Warren Buffett for counsel on the housing crisis. As The Washington Post reported July 16, he turned to Franklin Raines, the former Fannie Mae chief executive officer and six-year money manipulator. The Post said Raines took "calls from Barack Obama's presidential campaign seeking his advice on mortgage and housing policy matters."

And consider Obama's handling of the "emergency" bailout crisis. During the first go-round of the bailout, while McCain was certain of his stand, Obama wouldn't say where he stood because he was afraid it would be a wrong or unpopular stand. Only after most of his political cronies were bribed in favor of the bailout did Obama give it his stamp of approval. If he cannot take decisive action as a senator in the greatest nation on earth, how in the world is he going to make critical and emergency decisions as the president?

Obama's inability to draw and hold hard lines is the primary reason he repeatedly struggles with -- and caves and morphs into -- the polls or people in front of him. More than any other politician in history, he has flip-flopped on a host of critical issues: Iraq, Iran, gay rights, NAFTA, abortion, race, religion, gun control, etc. It's one thing to be political, but it's quite another to be a chronic people pleaser under pressure. Swaying based on political expediency is not a leadership quality we need in tough times. Sooner or later, that character flaw will bite Obama big-time -- and us if we elect him president.

I'm not saying Obama has no continued future in politics. He just needs more experience in life to weed out those character deficiencies. That's why I'm asking Americans to look afresh at these questions: Is Obama crisis-leadership qualified? Will he truly be ready Jan. 20 to assume the helm of our country?

Actually, those leadership questions have been answered already by three leading Democrats (before they could taste the perks from their alignment with the Democratic presidential nominee). Obama's own running mate, Sen. Joe Biden, replied only months ago about whether Obama is ready for the presidency: "Right now I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training." Then he later told George Stephanopoulos, "I stand by the statement." Biden was right.

Before Obama was her party's choice, Hillary Clinton repeatedly proved him to be an indecisive waffler who couldn't or wouldn't be pinned down on any issues. Hillary was right.

Even former President Bill Clinton dodged having to give an affirmative answer to an ABC correspondent when asked whether Obama is ready to be president by saying, "You can argue that no one is ready to be president." Another smooth answer, Bill. The fact is he totally understands that Obama is not ready.

America is in one of its toughest hours -- a market meltdown, the worst fiscal environment since the Great Depression -- an economic 9/11, if you will. Do we really believe we can be delivered by an indecisive people pleaser as our country's CEO?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Blonder the Better!

Well i have colored my hair once again!!! Lightened it up a lot, and I LOVE it! I must admit i love being ready for a dark change for winter but for now..i'm embracing the blonde of my childhood!

This one is my amazing friend Kelsey's new baby Emma! Born Tuesday the 14th! Aunt Mollie LOVES holding her!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My own words

I LOVE fall time! One of my MOST favorite times next to Christmas! Here is Ranger amidst some of my fall decor!

I realize it has been awhile since i have posted something that contains my own words and not someone else's! So I'm going to write down what is currently on my mind.
Men....not like men are ALWAYS on my brain because they aren't.. I consider myself an independent, satisfied, well rounded woman who really is wonderfully contented with her life...but in the life of always seem to be lurking around the gray edges of my fabulously colored life!
I have four possibilities playing around the corners of my thoughts. And most likely i will have dates with three of them next week. Right now every situation is just solely enjoyment for me. Nothing is serious. Nothing is set in stone. I'm trying to enjoy each day for what it is!

Next thought, i'm really enjoying my time in Hermiston. I know a lot of you know my story, and my life here growing up. My last few years i was in Hermiston/Tri Cities were not the most pleasant, nor were they in any way healthy to me. I was really hesitate to come back to the area, because i had such a bad impression still on my spirit and heart because of what had happened to me here. But i really felt God was calling me i followed. The first 2-3 weeks i was here i cried a heart mourned my move from Monmouth. Monmouth was the place i truly found myself and my calling. God rescued me there. Redeemed me. And i went through the fires of purification through Him there. It was an incredible time for me, and it made me feel SO safe and wonderfully cared for. It was my comfort zone. So moving home was not my number one plan.
HOWEVER, God has blessed me SO much since i have been home! I'm loving my time spent in my childhood house. I get to be near some of my best friends on a daily basis (Tiffany and Jacob were one of the major plus points for moving back to the area!) I'm really starting to enjoy my jobs...and i know my time here is only temporary but God has brought a sense of renewal to my thoughts and feelings surrounding Hermiston! Once i leave here, whenever that may be, the darkness i equated Hermiston with is now a thing of the past. Only positive memories abound it should be:)
I also have found a wonderful church! Since end of the summer i have been going to Victory Baptist (across from Goodwill) Trevor Waybright is the pastor there...and every week i hear his messages I'm blown away by the depth and passion he brings! I literally could sit and listen to him for hours! He and his wife Joy are absolutely wonderful and i adore the church! I finally found my place!
Anyway just some of my feelings! One other thing I'm thankful wonderful blog community! You guys are so encouraging and your comments bless me so much! Thanks for all you do!!!


Friday, October 3, 2008

Chuck Norris..A CONSERVATIVE!!!

Hey Everyone! I get a daily report from and usually there are some pretty interesting articles i get to read! I would WHOLEHEARTEDLY encourage ALL conservative's to subscribe to their feed! Ann Coulter also writes for Human Events, and as she is one of my FAVORITE reads (books and online blogs), i support the site! Just thought you guys might want to read this. Conservative and Liberal alike can relate to the powerful words in this column!!! And can i just add.....i loved Chuck Norris before, but now that i find out he is such a strong conservative political writer, i am completely and totally impressed!

Clandestine Conservatives in Hollywood
As I was being interviewed recently at my Texas ranch by Geraldo Rivera, I thought back over my four decades in acting and how the pool of conservative "tough guys" seems to be drying up in Hollywood. Or are liberal waters just getting too hot for conservatives?

Then I recalled that The Washington Times recently reported, "A group of politically conservative and centrist Hollywood figures (up to 600 at once) organized by actor Gary Sinise and others has been meeting quietly in restaurants and private homes, forming a loose-knit network of entertainers who share common beliefs like supporting U.S. troops and traditional American values." But the article also noted that the secret is out on these clandestine meetings, as conservatives progressively are becoming more and more emboldened.

In a so-called age of tolerance, it amazes me just how intolerant some people are of those who stand for traditional values. For example, if I stand against California's memorializing of Harvey Milk Day or stand for California's Proposition 8, which would create an amendment to the California Constitution to safeguard heterosexual purity in marriage (which I do support and encourage Gov. Schwarzenegger and all Californians to do the same), I'm considered by many to be intolerant and a bigot. But if another actor takes just the opposite positions on those measures, he is considered to be compassionate and a liberator. Or when a liberal candidate, such as Hillary Clinton, runs for president, her candidacy is considered a fulfillment of civil rights and women's suffrage. But when a conservative candidate, such as Sarah Palin, runs for vice president, she's considered a radical right-wing extremist who could usurp the Capitol by toting rifles at her side.

This is America, and we should respect the fact that we will have strong, diverse opinions, and we must allow one another the freedom of speech to air such opines, not suppress them through peer pressure of any type like children. I have many acting friends and many friends in politics. I vehemently disagree with some of them, and that is my American right, as it is theirs. We must agree to disagree agreeably, without blogging about or denigrating someone's life and character before the nation and rest of the world. We must do better at keeping the focus on the fact that we are Americans first; we are not just conservatives and liberals.

If we are going to move our country forward, if it is going to survive and flourish for the next generation, then we have to drop the partisan rancor and pick up a unified patriotism -- not the patriotism of the past eight years or even the past 18 years, but the patriotism of unified spirit and passion shown by early Americans. What was important to them, what they fought for, was not the left or the right, but being American and being free. We've got to get back to that form of patriotism -- one that is based upon the Constitution, not congressional corruption, and elects people for their character, not their charisma. These are the type of citizens and leaders who don't go deeper into debt to bail out debt. These are the type of citizens and leaders who will say enough is enough. Like Ron Paul, who, after drawing similarities between the $700 billion bailout and the Great Depression, said, "The only thing we learn from history, I am afraid, is that we do not learn from history." (Getting to the heart of America's Founders' beliefs -- their patriotism and answers to our problems -- is also at the heart of why I wrote my latest New York Times best-seller, "Black Belt Patriotism.")

I admire those in the recent past who were able to represent a respectful conservatism in the liberal-leaning show business industry -- men such as Charlton Heston, John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart and Ronald Reagan. And I'm grateful for others today who also have stood for conservative values -- incredible actors such as Jim Caviezel, Mel Gibson, Jon Voight and others. These are the type of men who will go against the grain of the Hollywood status quo. These are the type of men who get the fact that entertainment isn't about playing party politics. These are the type of men who demonstrate what my hero and stalwart conservative, John Wayne, once said: "Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway."

Despite Tinseltown's liberal leanings, there is a lot of good that conservatives are doing in the film industry -- not only for American entertainment but also for activism. That is why I recommend movies such as Sherwood Pictures' "Fireproof," David Zucker's "An American Carol" and the millennial social cry to expose and stop the global and even American slave trade, "Call + Response."

Underground or aboveground, we're all "created equal … endowed by (our) Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." On Main Street or Wall Street, in the movie business or the political arena, maybe there's much more overlap in life than we think; maybe we've got a lot more in common than we really know. We're Americans.

(Note From Chuck: My wife, Gena, and I send our heartfelt condolences to the family and close friends of Paul Newman. Newman was absolutely one of Hollywood's finest, not only as an actor but also as a gentleman and humanitarian. Another legendary actor, who inspired us all, has ridden off into the sunset, but he never will be forgotten.)